Vendor registration

Do­ing things the KAEFER way. Since 1918.

Sourcing with fo­cus on qual­ity, safety and sus­tain­ab­il­ity.

Qual­ity, safety, sus­tain­ab­il­ity, re­spons­ib­il­ity – these are only some cri­teria that have al­ways been an in­teg­ral part of KAE­FER’s over­all policy. In pro­cure­ment we try to ful­fil these val­ues every day by tak­ing global rules into ac­count as well as local spe­cif­ics. By this, our sup­pli­ers, sub­con­tract­ors in the KAEFER fam­ily help to also en­sure ef­fi­cient and cost-con­scious pro­cure­ment.

Be­come a sup­plier or sub­con­tractor

Be­ing able to con­sist­ently work to the highest stand­ards is only pos­sible when we col­lab­or­ate closely with other com­pan­ies that share our com­mit­ment to qual­ity and safety. That’s why KAEFER only co­oper­ates with se­lec­ted part­ners and sup­pli­ers. To en­sure that, our pro­fes­sional pur­chas­ing net­work reg­u­larly check our cur­rent sup­plier and sub­con­tractor port­fo­lio on a local and in­ter­na­tional level.

Would you like to apply as a supplier or subcontractor? Register your company in our supplier database.